Well here it is Christmas Eve 2009. As we approach the big Day I just want to say how much this time of year makes me realize how much I miss my parents. They're spending Christmas together this year in Eternity. My Dad just died last September, and my Mom died Thanksgiving weekend of 2004. They'll have plenty of company with all 4 of their Parents, my Aunt Ila and her husband Bob Lees, and as of 2 days ago my Aunt Carol who was my Mom's Brother David's wife. Oh yes and also my oldest cousin Steve who died in 1998 from his lifelong struggle with CF, and his youngest nephew Donnie who was killed 2 years ago in Iraq.
We don't have our big 60 person Christmas Day gatherings any longer. However as time goes by those who have passed will start up the tradition all over again up there. We miss you all, but we know you are all in a much better place now! Love you Mom and Dad and everyone!!! Happy Christmas Eve!!!